11 Nov / 2021(670)…T20WC2021-1st SF review, toss factor and role play




Role play of Batsmen



Below data is updated before the first semi-finals.





Toss factor

The toss factor is very fragile analysis. It has become an habit to use toss factor as a reason for result. Its not controllable but at same time overall stats of toss factor is glaring, hence we lean on it.

This is brief summary of what happened in this WC 

Teams that have won the toss had 67.74% success rate.

Teams that batted first(irrespective of toss) had 35.48% success rate.

Teams that batted first in night games had 38.38% success rate

Teams that have scored 170+(while batting first) had 87.50 % success!.  

Teams that have scored 170+ in night matches (while batting first) had 100% success

Moral of this analysis is – if you bat first, do score 170+ which gives higher success rate.

 The scoreboard pressure plays larger part in chasing irrespective toss factor or other factors which cannot be controlled.


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